HOW WE WORKTimeline For A Successful Watering Project

Step 1


Site Visit & Discuss Your Requirements

We make an appointment to visit your garden. Take a brief from you as to the sort of watering system you are looking for and the considerations you wish us to bear in mind.
We will examine the location of your water supply and any power sockets available for the job and measure up the size of each area that needs water.


System Design and Quote

Once we understand your needs and have been able to consider the challenges of your garden situation we will be able to calculate the possible solutions, that meet your needs.
• We will need to consider the amount of water available and the quantity required to water each area.
• We will calculate the necessary ways to meet local bye laws and consider any budgetary constraints.
• A written quote will be produced where required for your consideration.


Book Installation Date

Once you have had the time to consider our quote, and ask any questions we may need to revise our collective thoughts which we will happily accommodate.

Step 2


Our Oasis Watering Installers Arrive

We will agree installation date or book a future timeframe to carry out the work. Often materials for the task will be delivered ahead of the installation and then the team will come to implement the agreed solution in the swiftest possible timescale, with least disruption.

Your New Watering System Is Professionally Installed

Expert Installation Completed

Once the system is installed we will carry out extensive testing during the final stages of the build process. Our experienced installer team knows what to look for and what will be an issue in operating the system. Once completed we will carry out an extensive « show and tell » session with our client and offer training on operation, programming and maintenance issues if required.

Our warranty on our workmanship means that if you find initial teething problems, we will return and correct these problems, no questions asked.

Enjoy The Freedom

Focus On What’s Important – Leave The Garden Watering To Your Irrigation System

Sit back and enjoy the operation of the system during your summer evenings or early mornings and think of the hours you have saved yourself and the peace of mind you have gained that things will be watered whilst you are next away.


Book Your Maintenance Package

We offer an extensive range of maintenance packages from the full on standby at all occasions through to the very simple « reserve team » call up arrangement when you need us once in a blue moon. Mostly customers want a standard twice a year visit to ensure reliable operation during the watering season and a preventative visit in the autumn to put the system to bed for the winter.

Stress Free Watering

Your Automatic Watering System Keeps Your Garden Looking Healthy & Lush

Remind yourself at the end of the watering season that your lawns and flowers have survived another year and you have been able to sit back and enjoy them with a minimum of intervention

Contact Us

020 816 816 66
Oasis Watering, Teddington, Middlesex. TW11 9HG

Emergency Service

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